Library Services

Let's See
Reference Service

Apart from other reference material one copy of each title is kept in reference section which is available in the Library all the time so that faculties and students can refer as and when needed.

Library is subscribing sufficient number of journals in all the disciplines to update its faculties and students with current information developments in respective fields.

Journal Current Content Service

Content of current issues of journals are scanned and send to all the faculty members to keep update and also uploaded same on web portal.

News Paper Clipping Service

The Library has maintained clippings of day to day information related to university news, institution news, course specific news etc.

Daily News Alert Service

The important news related to university, course, institution, placement, etc are sent to all the directors, head of the department to keep update.

Job Alert Clipping Service

The information related to jobs is clipped and available in library for reference.

New Arrival Alert Service

The information related to new arrival is mailed to the director and all concerned faculties to keep update also.

Reprographic Service

Reprographic service facility is available in library.

Reprographic Service

Reprographic service facility is available in library.


The bibliographic details of Library holdings are available on OPAC and students/users can find their books of interest and can know the availability status of particular book(s) by searching OPAC by various approaches like Author, Title, Subjects, Topic, etc. Sufficient number of PC’s is placed in the Library for this purpose also users can search the library database remotely according to their convenience.